YouTube is Testing Out an AI-generated Summary Feature to Help You Select Content Better

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Artificial intelligence has been an active player across industries and sectors for decades. However, social media platforms are now taking notice of it.

Among the top players in the space, YouTube is the latest to incorporate AI into its system. In a recent update put out by the video streaming giant, users were notified of a feature being tested that gave AI auto-generated summaries. The summary feature, unlike the standard, will serve a different purpose than reducing the duration of a lengthy video. YouTube, with this feature, wants users to opt for the most compelling videos by providing a concise overview of them.

The current beta feature will not replace the existing video descriptions curated by content creators. Rather, it will be an alternative tool that will offer the users a summarized peak into the essence of a video. The summaries will be visible on both watch and search pages.

Among its peers, Instagram is leveraging AI to detect and remove violating content based on the platform’s Community Guidelines before anyone reports it; Facebook uses AI to offer a personalized experience, while Snapchat introduced an AI chatbot, “My AI”, for its users. Additionally, Instagram is speculated to be testing an AI chatbot.

The feature was introduced on Monday but is available for a select number of videos and is accessible only in English.

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