Who Can See My Tweets if I Have No Followers? | by Get Da Cash | Aug, 2023

Twitter is a free social media platform where you can upload short posts known as tweets. You can tweet on Twitter to communicate and remain connected with your friends, family, and associates. There you can follow anyone and see their new tweets and your followers can see your tweets. But now the question is raised, who can see your tweets if you have no followers?

Every platform has its algorithm so, Twitter has its algorithm if you create a new account. Having privacy settings changed on your account will only allow people who follow you to see your tweets. Even if you have no followers and you tweet on Twitter. Now Twitter makes visible your tweet to these users whose interests match your tweet.

There are some privacy settings on Twitter but by default there are public can see your tweets. But if you change the privacy settings like someone change into only follower can see their tweets then only their followers can see their tweets. Now there the question is raised, How to change the privacy of your Twitter account?

twitter privacy

If you like to change the privacy setting of your Twitter account. If you want that your tweets should not be visible to everyone then don’t worry Twitter provides you an option to change the privacy setting of your account. By changing this privacy setting only your follower can see your tweets. The following steps will guide you through changing your Twitter privacy settings.

  • Open your Twitter account.
  • Click the “More” button on your Twitter profile page.
  • After clicking the More button choose the option of “setting and privacy”.
  • Then the option of “privacy and safety” will be visible to you, just click on it.
  • After that navigate to the option of “Audience and tagging”
  • The last step is to check the “Protect your tweet ”.

Following these steps will make your tweets visible only to your followers. Now your followers can react, comment, and retweet or share your tweets.

Difference between a Public account and a Protected account is given below.

By default, Twitter makes your tweets public when you create an account. When your tweets are public then everyone can see and interact with your tweets. If your tweets are public then everyone can view, react, retweet, and share your tweets.

In the protected account only your follower can see, react to, and retweet your tweet. If your account is protected and you have no followers then Twitter has an algorithm. Twitter shows your tweet to those users whose interest matches your tweet and protected from unwanted persons. How to change your account’s privacy settings has already been discussed.

Many people think that Retweet and Quote tweets are the same but both are different. Retweet means sharing someone’s tweet without changing it. You share someone’s tweet without adding your comment or thoughts. But a Quote tweet is slightly different from Retweet. In a quote tweet, you share someone’s tweet by adding your comment. After retweeting you can also undo retweeting just by clicking on the retweet button once again.

There are options shown when your doing tweet on Twitter. There are you can select who can reply to your tweet.

  • Here you can choose who can reply to your tweet by clicking the option “everyone can reply
  • The option “everyone can reply” is in the default But by clicking on this option you can get different other options.
  • If you select the “Everyone” option then everyone can comment on your tweet.
  • If you select the second option “people you follow” then only your follower can comment on your tweet.
  • If you select the third option “only you mention” then those users only comment whose you are mentioned.

In direct messaging, messages are sent privately to a specific recipient that can only be viewed by them. But there are some privacy settings for direct messages. There are some business accounts. So, everyone can send direct messages to these business accounts. Some users or recipients enable the setting that verified users can send direct messages to them. But some users set this privacy so that only their followers can send direct messages to them.

In the group conversation, every participant can see all the group messages even if they are not followers of each other. But new participants cannot see previous messages in the group.

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