The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

So far, the 2020s have been a decade of greats. First there was the Great Reshuffle, then the Great Stay, and now, according to Inc., we’re deep into the Great Wait.

“The Great Wait is like a game of economic chicken,” writes author Bernard Coleman, “where employers and employees alike are holding their breath, waiting to see who will make the first move in an uncertain market.” He cites a survey showing that 45% of employees are considering leaving their jobs within the next year — but, at least in the U.S., they’ve been waiting for the outcome of the presidential election and to see how much the government cuts interest rates. (The Federal Reserve announced a rate cut this week.) 

“The Great Wait could shift to the Great Skate, though,” Bernard argues, “if employers aren’t paying attention to employee sentiment.” He notes that employees often decide to leave well before they make an actual move and base their decision on “how employers are treating employees.” 

To learn more about how companies can create welcoming, inclusive cultures that make employees want to stay, be sure to check out the top spot in our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals. 

And further down our list, you can also learn what work futurist Sophie Wade thinks companies need to do to increase AI adoption; what company leaders have learned from their Gen Z staff; and how women are still struggling to gain equity in leadership and the C-suite.

Here are the must-read articles from this week: 

1. The Great Wait: A Workforce in Limbo (Inc.)

2. Remote Work Isn’t Just About Convenience. It’s About Inclusion (Julia Ode on LinkedIn) 

3. We Show Prospective Hires Everyone’s Salary. Here’s Why (Fast Company)

4. Why Your Company Needs an AI-Training Strategy (Sophie Wade on LinkedIn)

5. How DEI Can Survive This Era of Backlash (Harvard Business Review)

6. How to Care Better for Your Caregiving Employees: September Insights from the Wharton School (The Wharton School on LinkedIn) 

7. When You Have to Take the Training ‘Order,’ Find the Opportunity (Jess Almlie on LinkedIn)

8. A Decade After ‘Lean In,’ Progress for Women Isn’t Trickling Down (The Wall Street Journal)

9. Not Sure How to Get Started with GAI? Try This One Simple Tip (LinkedIn Talent Blog) 

10. What Company Leaders Have Learned from Their Gen Z Staff (Worklife)

Here is the must-listen podcast:

Prioritizing Employee Wellness at Work with Jeffrey Pfeffer (Redefining Work)

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