The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

Gen Z Strikes Back. It almost sounds like a movie title — maybe a comedy spoof or an action flick with recognizable yet B-list stars?

But it’s actually the headline of a recent Business Insider article about a topic that may be near the top of a recruiter’s list of least favorite subjects: candidate reneging.

Specifically, the article highlights that reneging on internship and entry-level positions by university students is on the rise. Many students are trying to compile as many offers as possible and then backing out at the last moment of the jobs they deem the least desirable — leaving recruiters to scramble to fill positions. Consider the following:

  • One analysis cited by Business Insider found that student reneging on full-time offers this year was nearly double the rate from 2021.
  • The same analysis also found that only 6% of students would “never renege on an offer,” down from 16% in 2019.
  • And another survey found that 44% of college students agreed that accepting two job offers is “reasonable,” up nearly 10% since 2022.

To learn more — including why many see nothing wrong with this rise in reneging — be sure to check out Business Insider’s article at the top of our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals. And further down our list, you can also find out why the recruitment process is more digital than ever; why it matters that 70% of HR practitioners are women; and how knowing a candidate’s salary expectations may bias a hiring manager.

Here are the must-read articles from this week: 

1. Gen Z Strikes Back (Business Insider)

2. The Recruitment Process Is More Digital Than Ever (Gallup)

3. Navigating Talent Acquisition Transformation: Are You Ready for the Revolution? (Matt Alder on LinkedIn)

4. Why It Matters That 70% of HR Practitioners Are Women: A Response to the NYT’s Article About HR Pros Being Miserable (Avery Francis on LinkedIn)

5. Unexpected Lessons from Being Laid Off (Future-Focused by Christopher Lind)

6. Why the Best Tool for Sourcing Is (Still) a Sharp Mind (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

7. We Need to Start Calling Our Career Decisions What They Are: Bets (Aki Taha on LinkedIn)

8. Most HR Initiatives Fail Miserably and End Up Feeling Like an Absolute Waste of Time (Melanie Naranjo on LinkedIn)

9. Should the Hiring Manager Know a Candidate’s Salary Expectations Before Their Interview? (Lee Harding on LinkedIn)

10. Starbucks’s New Boss Gets an Unusual Perk: Remote Work (The Wall Street Journal)

Here is the must-listen podcast:

Ground Your DEI Efforts in Data (Women at Work)

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