The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

Move over “quiet quitting,” “bare minimum Mondays,” and “lazy girl jobs.” There’s a new buzzy term in town and it’s called the “soft life.”

“For millennials and the younger Generation Z and Alphas,” explains The Guardian, “there is a growing feeling online that hard work is fortifying a system that, at best, is giving them nothing back and, at worst, is actively screwing them over. And so the ‘soft life’ revolution was born. . . . The goal of a softer life is more time and energy for what makes you happy and as little time as possible focusing on what doesn’t.”

To learn more about this “revolution,” The Guardian dug into the social media accounts that are promoting a soft life and interviewed millennial women who have embraced it. The publication found burnout, 40-year-olds moving back in with their parents, push back against the term from none other than Kim Kardashian, and even a “Jerry Maguire moment.” Intrigued? Be sure to check out The Guardian’s piece at the top of our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals.

And further down our list, you can also learn why many of us are making a mistake with our out-of-office replies; why a well-known consulting firm is paying its employees to look for another job outside their organization; and why one company is expanding “summer Fridays” into the fall, winter, and spring.

Here are the must-read articles from this week:

1. The Soft Life: Why Millennials Are Quitting the Rat Race (The Guardian)

2. Do Male and Female Hiring Managers Interview Sales Reps Differently? TLDR: Yes (Benjamin Sesser on LinkedIn)

3. You May Be Making This Common Out-of-Office Reply Mistake (Howard Pulchin on LinkedIn)

4. McKinsey Is Paying Its Employees to Look for Other Jobs (Quartz)

5. Debunking Myths About What Sourcing Is (Denise Pereira on LinkedIn)

6. How Recruiters Can Make the Case for Flexible Work Policies (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

7. Get Back to Work Memos . . . from a Decade Ago (Phil Kirschner on LinkedIn)

8. More Than Half of Employees Don’t Get a Chance to Upskill at Work. Here’s How to Help (Fast Company)

9. This Employer Is Experimenting with Eternal Summer Fridays (HR Brew)

10. I Didn’t Get a VP Job in HR Because the Recruiter Said I Didn’t Try Hard Enough with My Appearance (Business Insider)

Here is the must-listen podcast:

The Real Reason Why So Many Managers Don’t Know How to Manage (The New Way We Work)

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