The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

When several U.S. states began requiring companies to include pay ranges in job ads a few years ago, job seekers nearly jumped for joy. Finally, pay transparency was making a big leap forward. 

Or was it? 

In an emerging trend, companies have gotten around these regulations by posting salary ranges so wide that it’s anyone’s guess what the role might pay. And, according to an article in the WSU Insider, that’s a bad move. A recent Washington State University study found that candidates are more likely to respond negatively to job ads with very wide pay ranges, viewing those employers as less trustworthy. 

“It’s not just a choice between including a pay range or not,” says the study’s author Kristine Kuhn, a WSU Carson College of Business professor, “how compensation information is communicated matters, and at least in this study, having a very wide range might send a negative signal to potential applicants.”

To find out more about why candidates feel this way, read the WSU Insider piece at the top of our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals. Further down the list, you can learn why “AI first” doesn’t work for one AI expert; why one employee advocate says it’s really not necessary to conduct multiple interviews for roles that pay less than $150,000; and what steps you can take so you don’t have to hear “I’m withdrawing my interest in the position.”

Here are the must-read articles from this week:

1. Job Ads with Wide Pay Ranges Can Deter Applicants (WSU Insider)

2. Are Multiple Rounds of Interviews for Jobs That Pay Less Than $150,000 Necessary? (Barry Katz on LinkedIn)

3. TA Trends That Will Define 2024 (Mark Simpson on LinkedIn)

4. 7 Signs You Are Stuck in Order Taking Mode (L&D Must Change)

5. 3 Talent Leaders Predict How AI Will Advance Skills-First Hiring (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

6. Millions of Gig Workers Could Qualify as Employees Under New Biden-Era Rule (The Washington Post)

7. I’ve Just Read About a Company with an ‘AI-First’ Approach. I Think That’s a Dreadful Idea (Dave Birss on LinkedIn)

8. More Than a Quarter of Employees Globally Are Ready to Move on from Their Current Jobs (Boston Consulting Group)

9. ‘I’m Withdrawing My Interest in the Position’: Words No Recruiter Likes to Hear (Isaac Levet on LinkedIn)

10. Three AI-Related Questions Talent Leaders Need to Answer in 2024 (Matt Grove on LinkedIn)

Here is the must-listen podcast:

Mastering Deep Listening with Oscar Trimboli (Diversity: Beyond the Checkbox)

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