The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

Candidates have a new tool in their arsenal: AI bots that fill out job applications at an unprecedented rate.

In a recent article by Wired, one candidate recounted how he applied to 5,000 jobs with the help of an AI-powered tool. “The tool wasn’t perfect,” writes Wired. “It appeared to guess the answers to questions on some applications, with sometimes confused results. But in a brute force kind of way, it worked.”

The candidate landed 20 interviews from those 5,000 applications. That’s not an overwhelmingly positive success rate, but considering the minimal effort and time he put into the applications, the candidate was pleased with the results.

Recruiters are greeting this technology with mixed feelings. One compared it to “asking out every woman in the bar, regardless of who they are” while another shrugged and said “I don’t really care how the resume gets to me as long as the person is a valid person.”

To learn more about this new technology and how it could affect the recruiting industry, be sure to check out the top spot on our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals. And further down our list, you can also learn how to nail sourcing planning; why continuous learning could be the key to resolving the so-called skills crisis; and why recruiting should start at the very top with your organization’s CEO.

Here are the must-read articles from this week:

1. This AI Bot Fills Out Job Applications for You While You Sleep (Wired)

2. What’s the Best Way to Retrain Jobless Workers? (Chicago Booth Review)

3. Sourcing Planning: Why & How It Works in Recruitment (Astghik Petrosyan on LinkedIn)

4. The Recruiting Function May Be Going Up in Flames (Forbes)

5. Viral Gen Z Video About ‘Crazy’ 9-To-5 Work Culture Rings True (Jack Kelly on LinkedIn)

6. LinkedIn InMail Best Practices: 10 Ways to Grab Candidates’ Attention (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

7. A Game-Changing Negative Feedback Experience (James Mayes on LinkedIn)

8. The New Headache for Bosses: Employees Aren’t Quitting (The Wall Street Journal)

9. Continuous Learning Can Help Business Out of the Skills Crisis (Personnel Today)

10. Why You Should Ask Your CEO to Become Your Chief Recruiter (Dr. John Sullivan on LinkedIn)

Here is the must-listen podcast:

Should You Use Podcasts in Learning? (The Learning Hack Podcast)

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