The Journey to Finding My Niche. A Story of Exploration and… | by Lukman Aufbau | ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR | Jul, 2024

A Story of Exploration and Self-Discovery

Photo by Pablò on Unsplash

Here’s my story of finding my niche:

All my life, I’ve been searching for a niche where I can build a successful career. A niche that comes naturally to me. But it was so damn hard to find.

I tried everything on Twitter, literally!

I couldn’t see any traction and had no idea how to find my passion. They said to look at my past involvement in extracurricular activities or the types of products I generally buy.

But the only thing I did all my life was write long, valuable content. I wanted to save my time on other niches, as I was focused on creating a good impression like other competitive creators.

I was so frustrated. . .

How in the world would I ever find my niche? That’s when I gave up and started posting in different niches.

->I would do three-liner posts,

->one-liner posts,

->long-form content,

->write threads,

->post motivational content, & more.

It was the most chaotic, yet fun year of my life. . .

I had to explore and not settle for a career I had no heart for.

After gaining hands-on experience in various fields, I had better data on what my audience did and didn’t like. The turning point came when I started spending more time on one-liner posts.

To my surprise, my audience resonated with them, and my first-ever viral post was a one-liner. It gave me the clarity my heart had been searching for.

I’ve decided to focus on one-liner posts for my Twitter while reserving my long-form content for my Medium and LinkedIn accounts. Sometimes, you don’t have much choice, and the only way is to force your interest down. Taking a year to explore and figure out what you do better than others is highly important.

As they say, satisfaction is not in the money, but in knowing you’re doing something your heart and soul are made for.

What do you think about this journey? I’d be happy to discuss further.

Thank you!!!

If you’re looking to scale your newsletter, course, or membership — I’d love to help. We have room for 1–2 clients this quarter.

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I believe that good content should be FREE! Good content helps people learn and grow. I don’t want to hide my content behind a paywall and charge people for it. . .

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JOIN THE CREATOR’S SECRETS FORMULA AT LUKMANAUFBAU.SUBSTACK.COM I’ll give you a few tips on how to turn things around. . .

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