The Easiest way To Grow & print $$$ on Twitter (X) in 2024.. | by M Subhan | Aug, 2024

This Guide isn’t for theme Pages!

Before we start, You need 3 things to monetize Fast on Twitter!

  1. A Skill ( anything )
  2. Internet
  3. A Brain

(By the End of this Article, You’d be Able to know the exact 7-Step system to Build a profitable Audience on Twitter And $10k/m with proper systems.)

Let’s start with my Boring Story!

I used to hate Twitter.

1–2 years back,

whenever I Heard the name twitter, my brain used to fantasize large blocks of boring Text.

And this belief Caused me lose a lot of money on the table.

I was wrong.

I realized I was judging a Book by it’s cover when I accidently found a Twitter millionaire on YouTube.

“Dan Koe”

This Guy was preaching some lessons to grow a profitable Audience on Social Media. ( The Genuine Tactics)


His Entire Focus was making us aware of the potential of twitter Just by testing ideas and Grow an Audience of Fans.


why you should start writing and Building on X ?

(Funny Question)

There’s No way you Shouldn’t start building on twitter.

Here’s some Popular ways to monetize:

  1. Ads Revenue ( Thanks to Elon Musk )
  2. Sharing Subscriptions
  3. Sponsored Content
  4. Live Streaming and spaces
  5. Monetizing Audience

Let’s Jump into The Exact System To Build an Profitable Audience!

1. Your Niche:

Always Remember!

( People Only follow when you Give them a Reason to Follow = Value )

Start Choosing by your Niche.

(The Industry, the Reason, the sauce you want to share)

it’s Actually very easy to Choose your Niche.


Use your Ikagai. (The reason for being in this world)

Ask yourself these Questions:

  1. what makes me excited?
  2. what I’m skilled at?
  3. for what, I can be paid for?
  4. what the world and the industry needs?

You’ll easily find or Create your Niche by these questions.


If Not, Go out and Take inspirations from Top creators on X for 3 days.

there’s No way you won’t be Able to Answer these 4 Questions.


You Have Your Niche.

2. Profile :

it’s where the Real magic Starts.

it consists of:

→ Profile Photo

→ banner

→ Bio

→ Pinned Post

Profile Photo Should be Professional Anyway.

Post a picture with a small smile and a clean Background or Build an avatar according to your Niche.

( Disclaimer: it Shouldn’t be Like everybody, it’s the main part of part of your profile. don’t be Boring neither seem like a Bot )

Banner is Something with which the Profile Visitors find a Vibe.

it’s Self — Explanatory.

Bio should be consist of three parts.

Who are you? (e.g. twitter Ghostwriter)

what you Do? (e.g. Building personal brands on twitter for entrepreneurs)

what’s Your Interest or Vibe. e.g. (Proudly father, soccer lover, unmatched creator)

Pinned post should show your Authority in your Niche.

Post a case study if you are a service provider.

Post your journey if you are an entrepreneur.

Post the “X Ways to Achieve Y” if you are a Coach, consultant or professional.

3. Content Flywheel

Your Content should consist of 3 main Pillars :

  1. Authority
  2. Personality OR Inspirational
  3. Growth

Authority content should be based upon explaining your Niche:


Your Wins

Case Studies, etc.

Personality content is something that helps gain followers:

Start with:

your worldviews, observations, experiences, analyzations and Learnings in your the real life.

Growth content is About teaching the Audience.

There’s No growth without defining your your growth pillar.

find 1–2 topics that resonates with your Audience and keeps them engage with you.

4. Commenting.

when I first started out, I was stuck in beginner’s hell.

I was posting as much value as I can.


I didn’t accomplish any growth.

The reason was simple!

I expected others to engage while not engaging with anyone.

At first, you’ve to kill your ego until you gain some followers.

you’ve to comment on other people’s post for at least 25 times a day.

Don’t burnout!!!!

it’s easy.


very Easy!!!

Go to “lists” section,

create a private list and name it “ Engaging routine”

Add at least 100 people in it.

20 big creators

50 medium sized creator

30 small creators

By commenting consistently, you’ll get out of the beginner’s hell easily in 15–30 days.

then, you’ll have an audience and you don’t need to comment on other people’s posts too much.

Bonus tip: login to tweet deck and you’ll be able to engage with them in less than 20–30 mins.

5. Always remember my “ 6 lessons to outperform on X ”

Growing on X is all about Being Authentic and consistent.

  1. First of All, Build Authenticity on your profile.

it can be done by :

“Brand philosophy”

Let me explain it in easy terms:

Rolex sells status NOT time

Coca-Cola brings refreshing feeling NOT cold drink

Nike brings inspiration NOT shoes.

Build your brand philosophy and start posting insight based content according to your brand philosophy.

your posts, comments and profile should be a reflection of your brand philosophy

2. Never Follow the crowd, being yourself is the key

3. Post 2 long forms a week

4. Inspire people in the morning, educate in the noon, entertain in evening

5. Never Run towards Clients ( they’ll attract towards you )

6. Leave value comments on big creator’s posts to get more profile visits and followers in the beginning

6. Building your Offer & Free Trials

once you get 200 followers,

Invite other creators ( your X friends ) and start hosting spaces and share your experience.

more spaces ⇒ more experience ⇒ more followers

you would be able to learn more about the people’s experience, world views and opinions and build Credibility and trust in your niche as well.

then based on your knowledge, build an offer to your target audience or ideal client.

then, do 3–5 free consultations with them with your offer.

promote your offer through your content and profile.

And promote it shamelessly.

your offer should consist of 3 components:

⇒ their Dream state

⇒ your unique solution

⇒ reducing time, effort and money.

7. Monetizing and expanding on a large Scale:

if you genuinely repeat these steps for 30 days, there’s no way you can’t get 500 followers and 1M impressions.

then, you can easily apply for ads revenue and Earn money just by impressions on your posts.

Repeat this cycle Again and Again.

this way, you would have a large following of buyers so that you would be able to sell masterminds, digital products, courses , 1:1 mentorship, online services, digital courses and Subscriptions.

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Drop a follow if you want to learn in-depth techniques to grow fast on twitter and monetize on twitter.

This is less than 10% to make $100k/m business on twitter.

Hope you enjoyed the Article.

See you In 2 days.

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