Elevator Pitch: One Word That Grabs Investors’ Attention

Are you ready for some marketplace mayhem? On this episode of Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch, tech entrepreneurs share their grand visions of digital platforms built to fill the needs of businesses and customers alike. But while their two-sided marketplace pitches might sound polished, do these companies have that one thing that all investors crave — profitability?…

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Building end-to-end security for Messenger

We are beginning to upgrade people’s personal conversations on Messenger to use end-to-end encryption (E2EE) by default. Meta is publishing two technical white papers on end-to-end encryption: Today, we’re announcing that we’ve begun to upgrade people’s personal conversations on Messenger to use E2EE by default. Our aim is to ensure that everyone’s personal messages on…

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Why Ghost Jobs Are a Scary Practice

Ghost jobs. They sound like the perfect role for a fun and spooky Halloween. But for job seekers — and recruiters too — they’re usually more trick than treat.   Ghost jobs are postings for roles that either don’t exist or have already been filled. According to MyPerfect Resume, they’re also a common practice. The resume-building…

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