Is WhatsApp down? Here’s what we know.

Yes, the world’s most popular messaging app, Meta’s WhatsApp, was having serious issues on Wednesday. As of 5:18 p.m. ET, internet service status tracker Downdetector was picking up enough errors to conclude that there were “problems at Whatsapp.” WhatsApp itself acknowledged the problem in a tweet, saying it was “working quickly to resolve connectivity issues…

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State of Workplace Jargon Report 2023

Starting a new job—whether it’s your first position, or a next step on your career journey—learning the language of a new workplace is tough. To better understand how professionals all over the world feel about workplace jargon, LinkedIn and Duolingo, the world’s largest language learning platform, partnered to release the State of Workplace Jargon Report. …

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How AI Will Change Hiring

Skills-first hiring will become more achievable There are many benefits to hiring for skills over pedigree. “Focusing on skills and past experience and performance,” says Stacy Donovan Zapar, founder of The Talent Agency, “is a much more accurate predictor of success and will lead to stronger, more diverse teams that have both the breadth and…

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