Boost Your Brand’s Twitter Page With These Three Easy Steps (Updated for 2024) | by | | Dec, 2023

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, Twitter remains a valuable platform for brands looking to enhance their online presence and engage with their target audience effectively. To stand out in the crowded Twitter landscape of 2024, it’s crucial to adopt innovative strategies and stay up-to-date with the latest trends. However, in a world where…

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YouTube begins public testing of ‘Playables’ gaming effort

Following YouTube’s pushes into music, television, gaming livestreams, and podcasts, the service has now begun public testing of its “Playables” initiative, which adds games to YouTube. Update: YouTube Playables are now more widely available, particularly for those with a Premium subscription. The existence of Playables on YouTube was first reported earlier this year as “a…

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Google y YouTube transforman la publicidad con inteligencia artificial

Con el objetivo de revolucionar el mundo de la publicidad en línea, YouTube ha anunciado su asociación con Google AI para lanzar Spotlight Moments, un innovador paquete publicitario que utiliza inteligencia artificial (IA) para identificar automáticamente los videos más populares relacionados con momentos culturales específicos. De acuerdo con Techcrunch, YouTube permitirá a los anunciantes publicar…

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X (Formerly Twitter) Image Sizes in 2024: The Ultimate Guide | by AppLabx Digital Marketing and Tech Blog | Dec, 2023

As we step into 2024, the importance of understanding and adhering to X’s image size guidelines cannot be overstated. The digital canvas of X is a space where brands, influencers, and everyday users weave a visual tapestry that transcends the constraints of text. Whether you’re a seasoned social media marketer or an individual crafting your…

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Highlighting WhatsApp’s Privacy Features At Mumbai’s Iconic Gateway Of India

We’ve unveiled an immersive anamorphic installation at Mumbai’s iconic landmark, Gateway of India, to raise awareness around WhatsApp’s privacy features and multiple layers of protection. The anamorphic installation will include 3D billboards and light projection on the monument facade.  The digital experience will showcase how WhatsApp’s privacy layers work together to create a safe space…

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