I Scaled My Company From $10 Million to Over $200 Million in 4 Years. Here Are 3 Things He Did to Lead The Company Through Market Disruptions.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. When I started Appfire in 2005, hardware was king and companies like Dell, IBM and HP were the leaders and innovators of all things tech. Businesses relied heavily on hardware to fuel their IT infrastructure, and the idea of the cloud seemed like a utopian dream. My…

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Introducing new offerings to help B2B marketers build “collective confidence” among the buyer group

To help B2B marketers reach and engage all members of the buying group and build “collective confidence,” we’re introducing:  The Wire Program: With video uploads on LinkedIn increasing 45% year-over-year, we’re testing the Wire Program – a new initiative that allows brands to promote in-stream video ads alongside trusted publisher content on LinkedIn. The Wire…

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Five finance tips for a new job

Five finance tips for a new job Believe it or not, many individuals are often unaware of what their net pay will be when they start a new job. This uncertainty stems from the various deductions that reduce gross income, such as taxes, benefits, and other payroll deductions. Without a clear understanding of these factors,…

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