Enhancing Security and Developer Productivity: LinkedIn’s Journey with Implementing Content Security Policy

Figure 2. Decentralized system In our effort to decentralize Content Security Policy headers, we created a CSP Filter, which is an intercepting filter. This filter lives as part of our frontend frameworks. Developers can define Content Security Policies as part of their app’s configurations. When a request comes in, the WebApp processes the request and…

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Is Instagram shadowbanning LGBTQ and sex ed accounts?

On Instagram, artist Michael Kerschner posts collaborative queer portraits on his account, @queeringbeauty. Like many LGBTQ creators on the platform, Kerschner has received a warning that his account can’t be viewed by non-followers — aka, he’s been shadowbanned. “How does it feel? Horrible,” Kerschner told Mashable. His photo series is about embracing a fabulousness queer…

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Scheduling Jupyter Notebooks at Meta

At Meta, Bento is our internal Jupyter notebooks platform that is leveraged by many internal users. Notebooks are also being used widely for creating reports and workflows (for example, performing data ETL) that need to be repeated at certain intervals. Users with such notebooks would have to remember to manually run their notebooks at the…

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10 Proven Passive Income Ideas for 2023

There are many ways to generate passive income and change your financial future. Whether you want to earn just an extra $1000 per month on the side or go into something full-time and replace your current salary, different passive income ideas require different work and time. Upfront work is required, so don’t expect to get…

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Google SGE updated to include relevant site info directly in the responses, expanding to Japan and India

If you’re one of the lucky ones with access to Google Search Labs, from now on you’ll notice that its generative AI search tool looks a little different. As of Thursday, Search Generative Experience, or SGE for short, now includes reference links directly within the AI-generated response. SEE ALSO: Google Chrome will use generative AI…

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New WhatsApp App for Mac, Now With Group Calling

Earlier this year, we introduced a new WhatsApp app for Windows desktop, and we’re now bringing the same improved experience to Mac users. With the new WhatsApp app for Mac, you can now make group calls from your Mac for the first time, connecting with up to eight people on video calls and up to…

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Three tips to excel at salary negotiations

It’s official: You’ve secured a promising post-graduation job offer! Now comes the tricky part: Salary negotiations.  For decades, employees were indirectly—and sometimes expressly—told to refrain from “money talk” in the workplace and amongst peers. All of this created an environment that made salary negotiations a sticky situation. But that’s changing. There’s now a greater acceptance…

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