Earn Big On Twitter In 2024. How To Make Money Writing Tweets | by Alain YUNES | The Side Hustle Club | Feb, 2024

There are people making 10, 30, 50, even $100,000 on Twitter just by writing tweets for other people.

Take, for example, Dakota Robertson, a ghost writer who, in less than two years has grown an audience to 250,000 followers and has used his writing skills to mentor other ghost writers and start his own ghost-writing business.

Building an audience takes time and effort, and most business owners don’t have the time or the inclination to learn how to write themselves.

Some of these people already have an audience, and they just want a capitalize on it by selling them products and services, but they just don’t know how to.

That’s where ghost writers come in.

The currency online is capturing and holding attention, and if you can do that for your clients, then you’ll make a great ghost writer.

in this article, I’ll show you step by step how you can grow from zero to 10,000 dollars by writing as a ghost writer on Twitter.


In order to be a succesful writer you need to master the art of persuasion.

To do so, you should study those who are doing what you want to do; they have all learned the art of persuasive writing. So, copy them and emulate what they do already.

And if you’re looking to expedite your learning on copywriting, consider picking up the following books, which are among the best resources available:

If you want to master copywriting, you have to study the greats, and these are a solid foundation for you to get good at copywriting.

And if you wanna shortcut this even further, just go study the people that you want to emulate, There are hundreds of ghost writers right now writing threads on Twitter every single day

Get notifications on their account and copy and learn how they structure everything they do.

One of the big problems with ghostwriters online is that they don’t know how to grow their own account, and that starts with two things;

  • Getting your content right
  • And getting your profile right

So that when people come to your account, they’ll want to follow you

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