Are Performance Reviews Dead? | LinkedIn

Did you know that only two in 10 employees say their performance is managed in a way that motivates them to do outstanding work? Traditional performance management programs are clearly failing organizations — and company leaders are taking action. Among the more drastic measures, high-profile companies like GE, Deloitte, and Gap have eliminated performance reviews….

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5 Recruiting Predictions for 2024

If we’ve learned anything in the last decade, it’s that the world can look very different over the course of a year. With technological, generational, and sociopolitical changes upon us, the recruitment landscape of today may be unrecognizable by this time in 2025. We know you’re already thinking about how AI is changing the game,…

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Improving Recruiting Efficiency with a Hybrid Bulk Data Processing Framework

Figure 2: Entity dependency graph (hierarchically from top to bottom) Bursty write traffic  The data ownership changes result in bursty write traffic to all the entity Source-of-Truth tables of the database. This demands significant write QPS support without causing any data inconsistencies. Idempotence  With multiple moving parts, different service-level agreements (SLAs) offered by different infrastructure,…

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The Evolution of Enforcing our Professional Community Policies at Scale

Figure 4. Client side cache with server side cache for restrictions data Shortcomings: The introduction of dual layers, encompassing server-side and client-side caching, resulted in significant enhancements, particularly in scenarios with high cache-hit rates. While our caching initiatives successfully reduced latency and improved system responsiveness, they also brought forth new challenges that emphasized the importance of maintaining…

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9 Benefits of Employee Development

Your employees are the lifeblood of your organization. Their knowledge and expertise are crucial to your company’s success and it takes time and effort to amass both. The good news is that most employees are willing — even eager — to learn and grow professionally.  Investing in learning programs can help your organization and team…

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