Enhancing Security and Developer Productivity: LinkedIn’s Journey with Implementing Content Security Policy

Figure 2. Decentralized system In our effort to decentralize Content Security Policy headers, we created a CSP Filter, which is an intercepting filter. This filter lives as part of our frontend frameworks. Developers can define Content Security Policies as part of their app’s configurations. When a request comes in, the WebApp processes the request and…

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Three tips to excel at salary negotiations

It’s official: You’ve secured a promising post-graduation job offer! Now comes the tricky part: Salary negotiations.  For decades, employees were indirectly—and sometimes expressly—told to refrain from “money talk” in the workplace and amongst peers. All of this created an environment that made salary negotiations a sticky situation. But that’s changing. There’s now a greater acceptance…

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Welcoming the Digital Services Act

Today the European Union’s Digital Services Act, one of the most comprehensive pieces of online safety legislation ever drafted, comes into full effect. It calls for heightened transparency, greater controls for users and additional accountability from online platforms. Read more on LinkedIn’s approach to the DSA and what these changes mean for members and users…

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Enhancing homepage feed relevance by harnessing the power of large corpus sparse ID embeddings

Figure 3. The hidden gate layer, from GateNet paper All session training data Data is the key to unleashing the full potential of personalized embeddings. Our model was originally trained with impression data from a segment of sessions, with the understanding that limited impressions or samples are not sufficient to have a good representation for…

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Declarative Data Pipelines with Hoptimator

Table 1: Partial listing of user onboarding experiences The holes in the above chart – the majority of spaces – represent gaps where self-service does not exist yet. In those cases, creating an end-to-end data pipeline involves writing custom code to bridge the gaps. For streaming data pipelines, this involves writing stream processing jobs. For…

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The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professional This Week

For recent college graduates, landing that first job after receiving a hard-earned diploma can be a stressful and challenging experience. Negative perceptions of these young candidates aren’t helping. According to a recent survey conducted by Intelligent.com, 4 in 10 business leaders believe recent college grads are unprepared to enter the workforce, citing work ethic, communication…

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What Is Employer Branding and How to Get Started

Every company has a reputation. It could include thoughts about your products, services, leaders, team members, history, and more. Your company’s reputation can inspire a specific perception — emotional, instinctive, intellectual — in the people who see your ads, use your products, and speak to others about you. That reputation is known as your consumer…

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