7 Must-See Sessions at Talent Connect 2023

While you probably think of LinkedIn’s annual summit for global talent leaders as Talent Connect (which is, after all, its name), I like to think of this gathering as Talent Content, given the enormous number of impactful insights, hard-earned success stories, and compelling pieces of thought leadership that will be shared over the course of…

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Our new verification features

Today we announced new, free ways people who use LinkedIn can verify their identity, work email addresses and workplaces on LinkedIn. You can read more about the announcement here by Oscar Rodriguez, our head of trust and privacy. As these new features and tools roll out, millions of people who use LinkedIn will now have…

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Solving Espresso’s scalability and performance challenges to support our member base

Reducing context switches when acquiring a connection  In the HTTP/2 implementation, each router maintains 10 connections to every storage node. These connections serve as communication pathways for the router I/O threads interfacing with the storage node. Previously, we utilized Netty’s FixedChannelPool implementation to oversee connection pools, handling tasks like acquiring, releasing, and establishing new connections. …

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Transparency Report: Second Half of 2021

Today we published our Transparency Report for the second half of 2021.  The report covers government requests we received and action we took to remove content that violates our Professional Community Policies. Once again, we saw record engagement on LinkedIn during this reporting period. While the majority of that content was constructive, we saw an…

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Transparency Report: Second Half of 2022

Today we published our Transparency Report for the second half of 2022. The report covers government requests we received and action we took to remove fake accounts and content that violates our Professional Community Policies. Read the takeaways from the report in this share from Patrick Corrigan, VP of Legal – Digital Safety. Source link

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