Career stories: The power of an impactful mentor

Advancing to the next level through mentorship

At LinkedIn, I’ve received so much support from my current manager toward achieving my long-term goal of frontend engineering. We have a unique working relationship since we collaborated on the same team before he became my manager. All of his feedback is transparent and supportive of reaching the goal of strengthening my technical skills and preparing me for promotion to the next level of engineering. 

To reach this goal, my manager has shared valuable insights that will help me when I’m up for a promotion. One example is that he’s shared specific formatting tips for my code, which are the important details LinkedIn will look for. I spent a quarter exploring further backend (apps) engineering and building my skills there, and I discovered it wasn’t an area of engineering that especially excited me.

However, he assured me that at places like LinkedIn, there are distinct career paths in frontend, backend, mobile, systems & infrastructure, and among other engineering specialties — so I could easily double down on frontend engineering and not be limited. 

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