A Sneak Peek at the Upcoming Workplace Learning Report

How will AI reshape the field of learning and development? What should L&D leaders do to unlock skills agility at their organizations? 

The answers to these questions, plus many more insights into the future of learning, will arrive on March 6. That’s when LinkedIn Learning launches the most anticipated industry report of the year, the Workplace Learning Report, which this year focuses on helping L&D pros and their organizations succeed in the age of AI.

Based on a survey of 1,063 learning pros, plus LinkedIn behavioral data and the perspectives of L&D professionals around the world, the report will help you rewrite your playbook by covering such topics as: 

  • The top five focus areas for L&D in 2024
  • The central importance of career development and skills agility 
  • The state of L&D’s influence with the C-suite 
  • How a strong learning culture drives positive business outcomes

A free LinkedIn Learning course to get you started

You don’t have to wait until March 6 to start learning. LinkedIn has unlocked a LinkedIn Learning course that will help you get up to speed ahead of the report’s release. Dubbed Generative AI in Learning and Development, the course is taught by Dr. Terri Horton, an HR consultant, future-of-work strategist, and corporate advisor who focuses on AI’s impact on business and people strategies. 

Dr. Terri explains how AI will alter the field of learning and development, and she offers a deep dive into the ways L&D leaders can capitalize on advancements in AI-powered tools

For L&D pros who might be having a hard time understanding how AI can help them do a better job, Dr. Terri provides real examples, such as using gen AI to design a learning pathway for a customer rep who’s struggling to empathize with challenging customers. Gen AI can help shape a course to match the employee’s preferred mode of learning and create assessments that measure learning outcomes. 

The course will also help you imagine big-picture impacts as AI evolves and reshapes jobs and skills.

“As a talent leader, your impact can define tomorrow’s success,” Dr. Terri says. “Will you simply adapt, or will you lead your organization into the future?”

Decoding how AI will change your world

While Dr. Terri’s course helps you imagine the many possibilities of AI-driven innovation, the Workplace Learning Report will provide data and advice to help you craft relevant strategies to drive business impact.

Here’s more on the report’s key themes:

  • Skill building is rapidly shifting from an employee perk to a business-critical priority.  As a result, L&D leaders must stay on top of their organizations’ evolving strategic goals and align learning programs with these new objectives.
  • Employees themselves want to stay relevant and advance in their careers. Tapping into this motivation by offering dynamic, personalized support for career development can accelerate the growth of business-critical skills.

“AI will change the skills needed to do the jobs of the future,” says Ekpedeme “Pamay” Bassey, chief learning and diversity officer at Kraft Heinz and one of many global leaders quoted in the report. “It’s up to us to create an environment of curiosity and inspire employees to operate with agility and a growth mindset.”

Final thoughts: Disruption can unleash greatness

While AI will raise the bar for L&D professionals, it will also vastly improve the delivery of learning and development programs in the workplace. Generative AI–powered tools offer multiple advantages, from helping identify skills gaps to providing employees with more personalized learning paths to boosting the productivity of L&D professionals. 

“The greatest things in history have come from disruption,” says Naphtali Bryant, chief people and culture officer at the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art. “I am excited to see how AI will challenge us to be more strategic, more creative, and more innovative.”

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