A Killer AI Tool for Marketers

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I started playing with Magai this past week and I want to encourage you to do the same. It’s an amazing AI tool for marketers!

As a long form content creator for years, one of the constant struggles has been to carve out time to repurpose that long form content into short form snippets.

Whether that includes social media posts for promotion, short video or audio clips for distribution to other networks, or even teasers and snippets for newsletters and other content spokes.

We invest so much time and effort into creating the original piece of content, that by the time we’re done, we’re ready to move on.

The problem, of course, is that if we fail to promote and distribute and repurpose our original content, it won’t been seen and won’t be worthwhile.


Generative AI products like Magai and Bard aren’t the first tool to promise to help in this area. But it’s the first implementation that’s built on all of the latest AI capabilities and structure.

Without geeking out too much, let me explain what I mean, and why Magai is different.

Every generative AI tool uses a large language model, also known as a conversational AI or chatbot trained to be informative and comprehensive. It’s trained on a massive amount of text data, and it is able to communicate and generate human-like text in response to a wide range of prompts and questions. For example, it can provide summaries of factual topics or create stories. More on that in a moment.

Examples are OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, Claude, Mistral, and more.

The Challenge Of Multiple AI Tools for Marketers

Each tool has been trained on different sets of data, and has different capabilities to analyze, respond, and report. Some, like ChatGPT, offer different levels of capability depending on paid subscription levels.

That creates a number of problems for marketers like you and I who want to leverage AI:

  1. Which AI tool for marketers and language model should we use?
  2. Which one or ones do we have to pay for to accomplish what we need?
  3. If we’re going to use multiple tools, that means having to learn multiple tools.
  4. And every team member has to learn multiple tools on their own, without shared access or workspaces.
  5. Customization and personalization, including training the AI to use our voice and style, will be inconsistent across tools.

In order to generate copy for things like social media posts from existing material, we need a tool that can accept input from a link, ideally. That limits the choices somewhat.

Selecting just one of the available models solves some of those challenges, but not all. But there’s a better solution:

The AI Tool for Marketers: Magai

Magai is an innovated AI tool that combines all of the above models and more into a single tool that you can use to analyze information, generate text, create graphics, and share workspaces with your team.

Here are some ways that Magai is different from other generative AI tools:

  • Magai integrates OpenAI, Google, Claude and more (see the current list below)
  • You can choose the model and usage you need, or use Auto if you aren’t sure
  • You can use built-in personas that the AI will adopt when crafting responses, or create custom personas to meet your needs
  • You can save and organize your chats
  • You can generate images from simple text descriptions using DALL-E, Leonardo, or SDXL
Magai, an AI tool for marketers, utilizes multiple available AI models.

Which means you can ask Magai to summarize podcast transcripts, provide social posts for long articles, and draft newsletter snippets based on longer pieces of content.

Other tools you might have seen or used for generative AI recently haven’t had that capability and it’s huge.

The amount of time businesses can save, when all they needed was a great summary of some content to help distribute that content, is potentially massive.

Example AI Prompt for Marketers

Here’s an example where I’ve asked for Magai’s help in creating a LinkedIn post that draws upon the content of a specific article, creates an interesting and helpful post based on that article, and gives me an opportunity to link to the article in the first comment.

You can ask Magai to summarize the article first if you want to be sure it grasps the meaning. You can also add additional guidelines to the initial prompt.

Whatever you do, do not accept the provided copy as-is and just paste it to social media!

As helpful as generative AI can be in this regard, it’s designed to provide the most common and logical responses possible initially. Iterations are required to get the AI to start providing really interesting and innovative answers.

Whether you’re generating copy, getting title ideas, or brainstorming other challenges, give Magai feedback after every response and ask for more. You’ll likely find that it takes 5 – 10 iterations to get to something really helpful or clever, depending on your goal.

The Future of AI + Marketing

Can AI replace humans? Should an AI tool for marketers be used all the time?

Of course not.

At a minimum, humans still need to create the prompts and review the resulting text. Magai isn’t infallible. If an article is about a person, for instance, Magai might easily confuse who the person referenced is and pull in additional information about the wrong individual who happens to share the same name. You, the author, would know the difference and need to be mindful of what’s being generated.

And for businesses that are looking to create more engaging, strategic social media presences, simply posting AI-generated summaries of long form content will not suffice. It can be part of the mix, but shouldn’t be your entire social media marketing strategy.

But at the end of the day, tools like Magai are creating powerful time-saving options for businesses and creators, and it’s exciting to see what’s being developed. They’re also saving us from having to try and keep up with every development in AI on our own.

Definitely give Magai a try and let me know what you think!

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