The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

What have you been up to for your past eight Friday mornings?

If you’re Adam Nicoll, an executive director in recruitment based near London, you’ve been in interviews — for the same job at one company.

“During his current job search,” writes the BBC, “Adam had eight consecutive Friday-morning interviews with the same organization. . . . [He] is a veteran of both sides of the hiring table, but he says he has never experienced such a protracted process, even at the senior level. ‘By the end, I was just bored and tired,’ he says. ‘I no longer believed there was a job there anyway.’”

Unfortunately, Adam’s far from alone in his experience. The BBC outlines several reasons why candidates may be experiencing a “never-ending” hiring process:

  • A job market that’s swung dramatically from the workers-in-the-driver’s-seat days of the Great Resignation to a tightened market that favors employers
  • A hybrid work world that’s made it easier for anyone and everyone to schedule a video interview (or two or three or eight)
  • Complex take-home assignments to delay the hiring process and help root candidates out 
  • Cutbacks and layoffs to recruiting teams

To learn more about Adam’s experience and why job applications per opening have risen dramatically in the U.K. and the rest of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, be sure to check out the top spot in our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals. And further down our list, you can learn why one industry expert believes your next great hire is already working for you; how to disrupt colorism in the workplace; and why you should resist asking multipart questions in interviews.

Here are the must-read articles from this week:

1. The Return of Never-Ending Job Interviews: ‘It Can Go Beyond the Pale’ (BBC)

2. That Great New Hire You’re Looking for Is Already Working for You (Fast Company)

3. 4 Tips to Make Your Job Adverts Better and Leaner (Joe Burridge on LinkedIn)

4. Don’t Spend the Time to Do the Measurement If You Aren’t Going to Use the Data (Jess Almlie on LinkedIn)

5. How Colorism Affects Women at Work (Harvard Business Review)

6. Lessons Learned from a Course About Gen AI and Talent Acquisition (Sathish Ganesh on LinkedIn)

7. 26 ChatGPT Prompts to Supercharge Your Trainings (FullStack HR)

8. Just Because Your Office Is Wheelchair Accessible Doesn’t Mean It’s Inclusive (Johnny C. Taylor Jr. on LinkedIn)

9. The Big Work Lie: Being Indispensable Will Save Your Job (The Wall Street Journal)

10. Interviewers: Stop Asking Multipart Questions (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

Here is the must-listen podcast:

Talent Lessons from Elite Sport (Recruiting Future with Matt Alder)

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