The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

In a recent survey of knowledge workers across five countries, digital transformation company The Adaptavist Group uncovered some eye-opening findings about an intergenerational workforce. Let’s dive in:

  1. Writing tools cause tension: Half of respondents who are 50 and over feel annoyed when younger colleagues don’t have a pen.
  2. Emojis cause bewilderment: A third of all respondents admit to being confused by emojis and internet slang.
  3. Get back to me now (or later?): A third of respondents find the differing expectations around how quickly one should reply to emails or direct messages a problem.
  4. This is hard: More than half of all those surveyed find that working across generations is challenging and nearly two-thirds (61%) of respondents feel generational conflict over digital tools (think video conferencing, direct messaging vs. email, etc.) is affecting productivity.
  5. But there’s hope: Over half of respondents believe that generational labeling and stereotyping is a bad thing.

To learn more about The Adaptavists Group’s findings, be sure to check out the top spot on our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals. And further down our list, you can find out why global industry analyst Josh Bersin believes the learning industry is ripe for disruption; why one leader believes talent acquisition is at a crossroads; and why none of us should aspire to be a “hero” at work.

Here are the must-read articles from this week:

1. Digital Etiquette: Mind the Generational Gap (The Adaptavist Group)

2. Unnecessary Degree Requirements Spotlighted on ‘Last Week Tonight with John Oliver’ (Byron Auguste on LinkedIn)

3. The $340 Billion Corporate Learning Industry Is Poised for Disruption (Josh Bersin)

4. An Example of Unconscious Bias at Work (Daisy Lovelace on LinkedIn)

5. Hybrid Work Is Still a Work in Progress (Janine Chamberlin on LinkedIn)

6. Talent Acquisition at the Crossroads (Paul Maxin on LinkedIn)

7. A Day in the Life of a Recruiter in 2030 (Recruiting Daily)

8. How to Fix Your Company’s Culture of Overwork (Harvard Business Review)

9. Why You Shouldn’t Be a Hero at Work (Bhavana Hindupur at LinkedIn)

10. Need to Boost Your Company’s AI Skills? Hold an AI Learning Day (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

Here is the must-listen podcast:

HR Leadership with Angela Cheng-Cimini (Punk Rock HR)

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