Here Are Some Terrible DMs I’ve Gotten Recently | by Christina Piccoli | Feb, 2024

Let’s enjoy this together…

Image created by the author in Midjourney.

There’s nothing more fun than going into my Twitter(X) DMs after ignoring it for a while.

The sales pitches pile up, and when I need a mood-booster, I go check them out.

I know they’re supposed to be serious about pitching me on their products, but they’re so bad they’re good. I always get some amusement out of them.

Let me show you a few I’ve gotten recently…

Note: Here are more funny DMs I’ve gotten.

Here’s a person who doesn’t take the hint. You gotta give him credit for his persistence.

Screenshot taken by the author.

Here’s one that just kind of creeps me out. I’m always suspicious of a dude who sends a DM like this. Maybe I’m just paranoid!

I honestly don’t know what this one means. What are Ali Abdaal-style clips? A full-time senior editor is probably a steal at $3k a month, but I don’t need one. Especially since I don’t even understand what any of this means! lol

There wasn’t another DM after this. Just “Heyyy.” At least it only wasted about one second of my time.

This person took a moment to copy and paste a bit of my profile into their DM so it looks like they did a little research. I’ll give them a little credit for that.

The pitch is decent. I like the fact that they say I would only pay if I profit. But I don’t have any clients, and I’m not interested in getting any at this point.

Hi “G”? What the hell? lol

Screenshot taken by the author.

I don’t want to be too hard on the DM’ers because I know they’re trying and they probably learned these tactics from other people.

I’m not a master at DMs. In fact, I have never sent a pitch to anyone (and probably never will). But I think these marketers would do a little better if they stopped sending out mass DMs and sent more personalized messages.

However, if they want to keep sending them my way, I’m OK with it. I always appreciate the content!

What’s the worst DM you’ve ever gotten? Let me know in the comments!

Hey! I’m Christina, an introverted book nerd on the outside, and a raging metalhead on the inside. 🤘 I’m a married mom to two teenagers (and 3 cats and a dog). I love Vegas 🎰, the band Chevelle 🎸, and murder mysteries 📖.

I also love creating short, daily lists of resources and ideas to help you boost your online income. 👈 Click that astonishingly long link to sign up for free.

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