How to Safely Multi-Login Facebook/Twitter/TikTok/Ins Accounts? | by MuLogin Anti-detection Browser | Jan, 2024

Along with the popularity of social media, people need to manage multiple accounts on different platforms. However, how to safely multi-open these accounts is a concern. In this article, we will explain how to safely multi-login accounts on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok and other platforms.

1. Privacy and security: Protecting personal privacy and account security are important factors that must be considered when logining multiple accounts. Using the same device to log in multiple accounts will increase the risk of account theft, so appropriate measures need to be taken to ensure account security.

2. Account management: Multiple accounts require different IP addresses, hardware devices, fingerprint parameters, cookies, etc. Maintaining the independence and privacy of each account is a key issue when logining multiple accounts.

1. Switch multiple devices: Using different devices to manage different accounts can effectively reduce security risks. For example, log one account on your cell phone and another account on your computer. This can to some extent avoid the risk of account association due to device sharing.

2. Using a fingerprint browser: By using a fingerprint browser, it is possible to create multiple virtual browser environments on the same device, each of which runs an account independently. This ensures the privacy and security of each account and guarantees that each account environment is stable, clean and independent. Avoid the problem of accounts being associated or banned due to device sharing and the same browser fingerprint and IP address.

3. Use a proxy server: Proxy servers can hide the real IP address, providing additional anonymity and security. By using a proxy server, you can log in to multiple accounts on the same device at the same time, while protecting your privacy and enhancing security.

1. Install MuLogin fingerprint browser;

2. Add browser profiles to the MuLogin client; customize each profile to set parameters such as Canvas, OS, Navigator, WebRTC, time zone, CPU, memory, browser UA, system fonts, graphics card WebGL, resolution, sound card, latitude and longitude, computer name and MAC address, and set IPs independently to simulate multiple target region and device hardware, to prevent network accounts from being associated due to the same browser fingerprint, and to realize operations such as batch registration, batch login, and batch multi-opening to raise numbers.

3. Log in one account in one profile, so that each account will use a different login environment from the other accounts, ensuring account independence and anti-association.

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