YouTube is now letting audio-first podcasts upload episodes via RSS feed instead of making them manually create a video.
Instead, YouTube will automatically create a “static-image video” that simply uses podcast show art and upload it to your channel. This video podcast “will only be available on YouTube and YouTube Music.”
YouTube’s set-up process involves entering the “verification code sent to the email address on your RSS feed,” while you get to choose what podcast episodes are uploaded: All existing episodes, Episodes published since a specific date, or Only future episodes. It will take a “few days” for all videos to be created, and everything will initially be private to give you a chance to review before manually publishing.
Podcasters can edit Titles, Descriptions, Video visibility, Default video order, and other RSS settings. You also have the ability to disconnect an RSS feed, as well as re-upload an episode.
Note: Episode details automatically update from your RSS feed. If your episode details change, you can edit them within your RSS feed. If you change episode details in YouTube Studio, we’ll block future edits to that episode made within your RSS feed.
For Creators, RSS ingestion is available in these select countries/regions:
Algeria | Lithuania |
Argentina | Luxembourg |
Australia | Malaysia |
Austria | Malta |
Bahrain | Mexico |
Bangladesh | Morocco |
Belarus | Nepal |
Belgium | Netherland |
Bolivia | New Zealand |
Bosnia & Herzegovina | Nicaragua |
Brazil | Nigeria |
Bulgaria | North Macedonia |
Cambodia | Norway |
Canada | Oman |
Chile | Pakistan |
Colombia | Panama |
Costa Rica | Papua New Guinea |
Croatia | Paraguay |
Cyprus | Peru |
Czechia | Philippines |
Denmark | Poland |
Dominican Republic | Portugal |
Ecuador | Puerto Rico |
Egypt | Qatar |
El Salvador | Romania |
Estonia | Russia |
Finland | Saudi Arabia |
France | Senegal |
Germany | Serbia |
Greece | Singapore |
Guatemala | Slovakia |
Honduras | Slovenia |
Hong Kong | South Africa |
Hungary | South Korea |
Iceland | Spain |
India | Sri Lanka |
Indonesia | Sweden |
Ireland | Switzerland |
Israel | Taiwan |
Italy | Thailand |
Jamaica | Turkey |
Japan | Uganda |
Jordan | UK |
Kenya | Ukrainian |
Kuwait | United Arab Emirates |
Laos | United States |
Latvia | Uruguay |
Lebanon | Venezuela |
Liechtenstein | Vietnam |
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