Ahmed Navaaz aka Chill Gamer: A Gamer of the Long Run

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The hearty and encouraging gaming community was what inspired Ahmed Navaaz aka Chill Gamer to venture into the space. “I used to notice other gamers and how people would get so excited to see them. The kind of love they were getting was so wholesome. This is what inspired me to get into gaming. I, too wanted that kind of love and appreciation from people,” shares Navaaz.

He notes that having seen his father work dedicatedly and earnestly, he too, wanted to put the same kind of dedication and hard work into his own gaming journey.

With 7.31 million subscribers on YouTube, Navaaz believes in striving for the best when it comes to entertaining his subscribers, “I try to try new things to keep them entertained. When my subscribers are satisfied, I am satisfied.” So, what’s next for the gamer? ” I am really grateful for all my subscribers but I feel I have a really long way to go. This is just the beginning.”

“I want the world to know who Chill Gamer is and for that, I’ll give it my all. I don’t know how I am going to do it but I know I will do it,” concludes the 22-year-old.

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