The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

Here we are winding down the clock on 2023, and some companies are already starting to recruit interns for the summer of 2025.

Yes, you read that right — summer of 2025. That’s 18 months from now.

“The advanced timeline,” writes The Wall Street Journal, “means that college students who may have taken just one business class are trying to prove their mettle in competitive application processes that can launch careers after graduation.”

Many companies, especially those in the financial services and consulting industries, have taken this aggressive approach for one simple reason: They want to scoop up young talent before their competitors.

“Would it be easier if we did real-time hiring?” one TA leader told the WSJ. “It would be easier to manage the manpower planning, but to get the top talent, we’ve got to be out in the market early.”

To learn more about this sprint for interns — and how it’s affecting the students companies are aiming to recruit — be sure to check out the top spot in our list of must-read articles below.

And further down our list, don’t miss out on one publication’s answer to the question “When is hiring coming back?”; one HR leader’s predictions for 2024 (spoiler: HR needs generalists, not specialists); and a guide to recruiting the youngest generation in the workforce.

Here are the must-read articles from this week:

1. The Race Is On to Hire Interns for 2025. Really (The Wall Street Journal)

2. When Is Hiring Coming Back? Our Predictions for 2024 (

3. This May Just Be the Single Greatest Resource for Anyone Exploring Jobs in the United States (Glen Cathey on LinkedIn)

4. The Burden That Gets Placed on People Managers (Al Dea on LinkedIn)

5. A Guide to Recruiting Gen Z (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

6. My Predictions for HR in 2024 (Dean Carter on LinkedIn)

7. Gen AI Will Change How We Design Jobs. Here’s How (Harvard Business Review)

8. A ‘Shy Introvert’ Shares Top Takeaways from a Self-Promotion Event (Shelly Lombard on LinkedIn)

9. After Everything: Projections of Jobs, Education, and Training Requirements Through 2031 (Georgetown University)

10. A Story from 2021 That Still Resonates with Recruiters (Vadim Liberman on LinkedIn)

Here is the must-listen podcast:

Four-Day Workweek: Not a Benefit, a Performance Improvement Program (Josh Bersin)

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