3 Takeaways for Talent Pros

Healthcare professionals are already facing staffing shortages and strain, and GAI isn’t likely to shake things up — they’ll be largely unaffected by GAI, with over three-fourths (76%) of members there insulated, more than in any other industry. On the flip side, the technology, information, and media industry is likely to see the greatest disruption, with 65% of members there at risk.

Interestingly, retail is tied with tech for the most impact overall (71% affected), but in a slightly different manner. Most (57%) of the members in retail may see their roles disrupted — but 14% can expect to be augmented by GAI. That’s more than twice the share of tech workers (6%). 

If you’re a talent professional working in one of these industries, here’s what that might look like. (For a look at other industries, dive into the full report.)

In healthcare, it’ll be more or less business as usual — you don’t need to worry about GAI upending your workflows. Tech recruiters, on the other hand, will probably need to familiarize themselves with new sets of GAI skills and assess how well candidates can use them. Meanwhile, in retail, learning and development (L&D) pros may become even more critical, as employees learn to leverage GAI in concert with their existing people skills. 

Impact across generations: Younger workers may be more disrupted

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