How I became a full-time writer by building a personal brand on Twitter | by HeyIzMadz | Nov, 2023

Building a personal brand on Twitter was the best decision I made this year.

I went from 0 ➝ 1500 followers in 2 months.

I monetized my account and got inbound clients in no time.

But there’s a trick!

None of this would be possible if I didn’t learn the cheat codes for building a powerful and strong community.

The truth is, a personal brand will always be an asset in this world.

Your fans will always support and buy anything you have to offer.

So if you have a Twitter account but are not using it to your advantage, you’re missing out on big opportunities.

My dream came true—getting paid to write in my favorite niches.

Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash

Here is how you can do it too:

Why Twitter, you may ask?

Because it’s the best social media for writers—and also the easiest way to create content in 2023.

Use your Twitter account to post 3 types of content.

Growth content➝ to educate.

Authority content ➝to inspire.

Personal content➝ to entertain.

Combine all 3 to create enjoyable content.

Sep ➝ Oct

Authority content is what will get you clients.

Showcase your work or how you helped someone get closer to a desired outcome.

You will be surprised at how many people will start reaching out to you.

But this only works if you already built a small audience and a clean brand for yourself.

But don’t get discouraged!

It’s easier to achieve that today than it has ever been before.

You probably follow the generic guru advice:

· Niche down.

· Optimize your profile.

· Write 5 tweets per day.

· Show up every day, and your time will come.

Guess what? This isn’t what got me from:

· 0→ 1500 followers.

· 0 → 5M Impressions.

· 0 → 𝕏 Clients.

· 0 → AD Revenue.

All in 2 months!

The difference between you and me is knowledge and a powerful system.

So if you want to start your personal brand today, I created a guide that will provide a step-by-step roadmap for success.

< Twitter Growth Guide >

Stay positive,


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