The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

In a recent article, Harvard Business Review doesn’t mince words about the expected impact of generative AI: 

“Calling GAI revolutionary is no hyperbole,” HBR writes. “Business leaders should view it as a general-purpose technology akin to electricity, the steam engine, and the internet. But although the full potential of those other technologies took decades to be realized, generative AI’s impact on performance and competition throughout the economy will be clear in just a few years.”

So what’s a leader to do about a technology that may be as big as the lightbulb or steam locomotive? HBR has some suggestions, including:

  • Do a skills-inventory for knowledge-work jobs: Which of these roles (think writers, data analysts, programmers, and customer service agents) would benefit from, at the very least, a competent yet slightly naive GAI assistant?
  • Don’t be held back by the imperfections of GAI: Sure, we’ve all heard the tales of GAI making things up and getting confused. But this shouldn’t prevent your organization from experimenting and getting your feet wet with this new technology.
  • Get crisp on privacy policies: GAI is a sponge that gets smarter with every piece of information it’s fed, so be careful what your team is inputting into the system — whether it’s an external or internal model.

To learn more about how you can jump aboard the fast-moving GAI train (be it powered by hydrogen, electricity, or good-old-fashioned steam), be sure to check out HBR’s article at the top of our list below. And further down our list of must-read articles for talent professionals, you can also learn why some are worried that remote work could be another “mommy track”; why the CV was dead long before the rise of AI; and how two companies are getting internal mobility right.

Here are the must-read articles from this week:

1. How to Capitalize on Generative AI (Harvard Business Review)

2. Great Coworkers Is Happiness (Daan van Rossum on LinkedIn)

3. Experimenting with Creating Custom GPTs for HR Pros (Lars Schmidt on LinkedIn)

4. Is Remote Work the Answer to Women’s Prayers, or a New ‘Mommy Track’? (The New York Times)

5. Executive Disconnect and Return-to-Work Mandates (Ethan Evans on LinkedIn)

6. I Am Rarely Left Speechless by a Job Posting, but Here We Are (Katrina Kibben on LinkedIn)

7. AI Won’t Kill Off the CV Because It Was Already Gone (The Scotsman)

8. 2 Companies That Are Getting Internal Mobility Right (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

9. Tired of the Back-and-Forth Remote Work Debate? (Matthew Boyle on LinkedIn) 

10. Inside the Strange, Secretive Rise of the ‘Overemployed’ (Business Insider)

Here is the must-listen podcast:

How Employer Branding Fuels Recruiting, Engagement, and Success (Recruiting Trailblazers)

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