Understanding and Emulating Successful Twitter Accounts | by Jake Batsuuri | Nov, 2023

The next successful twitter account to learn from is Santiago @ https://twitter.com/svpino.
This one is especially interesting because he talks about machine learning. I don’t know when exactly but like a year or 2 ago. He only had a few followers. Now he’s sitting at 330k followers.

So you can see why I would want to emulate this guy!

Quick Takeaways

  • He posts somewhere between 3–5 posts a day
  • His posts are often pretty long

Topics and Subjects

  • Why you should learn machine learning
  • Different observations and things
  • Sponsor me, here’s a service I provide, this is the course I’m selling
  • Free workshops
  • Code snippets, I’ll explain if you reply to this thread
  • He also does videos
  • He has courses on GumRoad, that teach you how to get projects on UpWork
  • He has a machine learning course that’s cohort based
  • Interesting things like
  • Different machine learning frameworks and their benefits
  • 7 ideas that helped him succeed
  • He calls out some people for spreading crap, he says certain people have a ring for pumping each other’s content
  • Personal life stories
  • This saved me a lot of time and effort

How He Sells Ideas

  • This new library will 2x your workflow
  • Building ML workflows will be the most in demand skill in the next 20 years
  • Long time ago I made a huge bet, after 15 years of software engineering I decided to go into machine learning, everyone said it was a bad idea, now they’re following my lead
  • I used to steal to feed my family, I immigrated from Cuba with no money, odds were stacked against me, everyone quits after a week, but I have high success rate, that’s why I can teach you how to succeed
  • My freelancing course just surpassed 400 students
  • There’s a talent shortage in building machine learning systems

His Advice

  • Take risks
  • Experiment more
  • Be solutions oriented
  • Show initiative
  • Take responsibility

One thing he said really resonated with me. Which was the unscalable kind of effort you have to show initially on a platform.

His Advice

  • Post daily
  • Network daily
  • There’s seemingly a theme everyday on twitter, this is because 10% are original and 90% are reposting, regurgitating
  • He splits his posts into digestible sentences
  • Some days he posts 6, some days 1


  • Twitter algorithm changed, now it favours small creators
  • Share personal stories
  • Use the template “How I…”
  • Reply to creators in the comments
  • Add eye catching images to your posts
  • Comment on others posts for 30 to 60 minutes
  • Get followed by big, medium accounts
  • Long form is the queen, email is king
  • Always write to 1 person
  • Own the distribution
  • Make it emotional
  • Post your why

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