The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professional This Week

For recent college graduates, landing that first job after receiving a hard-earned diploma can be a stressful and challenging experience. Negative perceptions of these young candidates aren’t helping.

According to a recent survey conducted by, 4 in 10 business leaders believe recent college grads are unprepared to enter the workforce, citing work ethic, communication skills, and entitlement as factors that are holding this subset of employees back. These leaders blamed the culture at large, the graduates’ parents, the pandemic, and educators (in that order) for the lack of preparedness.

What’s more, many of the leaders in the survey expressed frustration with what they called “unreasonable salary requests.” 

“Fifty-seven percent of those who feel recent grads lack preparedness say they’ve had a recent graduate ask for an unreasonably high salary request,” a summary of the survey found. “Half had a candidate ask for $100,000. Of candidates who asked for more than $100,000, two-thirds of the positions had salaries that were $70,000 or less.”

Do these findings ring true? Or are they tired generalizations and stereotypes of college grads that get rolled out with each graduating class? To learn more about the survey’s results, be sure to check out the top spot in our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals. 

And further down our list, you can also learn why U.K. workers may be returning to the office for good; what LinkedIn data tells us about how to become a talent leader; and why journaling could be the key to your next successful quarter.

Here are the must-read articles from this week:

1. 4 in 10 Business Leaders Say Recent College Grads Are Unprepared to Enter Workforce (Intelligent)

2. ‘Never Again’: Is Britain Finally Ready to Return to the Office? (The Guardian)

3. Jobs Are for Humans (Slate)

4. How to Uncover Your Hidden Talent Management Problems (Workplace Intelligence Weekly)

5. The $900,000 AI Job Is Here (The Wall Street Journal)

6. Want to Be a Talent Leader? Here’s How 600,000 Others Got There (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

7. Why DEI and Diversity Recruitment Should Always Be a Priority (Especially in a Recession) (Increase Diversity)

8. Why Quiet Quitting Is Still the Status Quo (Worklife 101)

9. Nearly 4 in 10 Recruiters Lie to Candidates During Hiring Process (HR Dive)

10. Trying to Process Your Q3? Journal About It (The New York Times)

Here is the must-listen podcast:

The Rise of Short-Form Video (Recruiting Future with Matt Alder)

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