Announcing Our LinkedIn-Cornell 2023 Grant Recipients

​LinkedIn and Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science (Bowers CIS) embarked on a partnership, bringing together our collective research power to make technological advances that will further our goal to connect professionals with opportunities at scale. Through this partnership, we support Ph.D. students and faculty members on their research in areas in Computer Science, AI, Information Science including Diversity and Equity. Our 2022 recipients showcased the strong value of our partnership through incredible research in diverse topics including Allison Koenecke’s research on early stoppage of randomized controlled trials on heterogeneous populations, David S. Matteson’s research on deep generative models to enable fairer and more responsible AI, and Ruihan Wu’s research in privacy in machine learning. Riding on the back of such tremendous success, we are excited to announce the 2023 grant recipients.

Our 2023 grant recipients’ research includes high-impact projects on topics ranging from large-language models and recommender systems to dynamic information retrieval and algorithmic fairness:

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