8 Tips on How to Get More out of LinkedIn Recruiter from 2 Superusers

There’s a lot of buzz right now about a new generation of tools, driven by AI or generative AI, that will make life better for everyone. Including recruiters. 

But we want to remind recruiters that there are already some great tools, also driven by AI, that can help them do their jobs faster and more efficiently, giving them time back to focus on more strategic work. As long-time superusers of LinkedIn Recruiter and as its chief evangelists, we want to make sure that talent acquisition pros are leveraging the most powerful new features on Recruiter as well as some of its most helpful long-time features.

We’ve both been at LinkedIn for a dozen years and our goal has always been to help recruiters find and hire the right candidates — faster, easier, more consistently. So, here are eight tips on how you can leverage your LinkedIn Recruiter seat and become a superuser too:

1. Tap into the Recommended Matches feature, which gets better and better over the course of a project

Recommended Matches is your indispensable sourcing partner that gets better every day. 

The feature uses AI to help you find candidates you haven’t yet identified. Recommended Matches is powered by your real-time hiring activity — which candidates you’ve saved, messaged, or hidden — as well as job posting signals, such as job titles, skills, and locations, and the job-seeking actions of LinkedIn members, such as Open to work. 

Recommended Matches saves you time, improves your efficiency, and — most importantly — expands your talent pool, even as you focus on other high-value tasks. With Recommended Matches, you’ll discover up to 10% new and qualified candidates on top of your Recruiter search results. And candidates found with this tool are up to 35% more likely to accept your InMails

Recommended Matches is working in the background, sending you new candidates based on your real-time hiring activities. Those candidates will be grouped into categories across the top of your page, and each category provides insight as to why the person is being recommended. So, they may have signaled they’re open to work, they may have connections at your company, or they may have engaged with your talent brand by, say, following your company or engaging with content you’ve posted. Recommended Matches does all the heavy lifting for you.

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