2024 Talent Reports: Insights and Actions for the Age of AI

It’s a watershed moment for the business world and how it builds and develops workforces. Three tectonic events — the lightning-fast rise of generative AI, the shift to a skills-based approach to talent, and the bringing together of TA and L&D for a holistic approach to talent management — have arrived to make this a time of epic change and opportunity. 

As the vice president of talent at LinkedIn, I’m fortunate to have a front-row seat for all three of these transformations. 

My role, leading talent acquisition and talent development, is a new one for both me and LinkedIn. And it’s an exciting one. Because if we get this right, work and careers will become more fulfilling and meaningful, and employees and companies can flourish in a virtuous cycle. 

But how do we get it right?

No one has all — or maybe even most — of the answers. We’re all rewriting our playbooks. So, I’m delighted to announce that LinkedIn has surveyed talent professionals around the world, talked to experts in the field, and scoured our own platform data (collected from 1 billion members worldwide) to generate the 2024 Talent Reports: Insights and Actions for the Age of AI. These two separate but closely related thought leadership reports — the 2024 Workplace Learning Report and the The Future of Recruiting 2024 report — launch today.

The changing talent landscape

The timing for these reports couldn’t be better. Despite economic headwinds and the ever-tightening scrutiny on budgets, our surveys show that companies clearly understand that this is a turning point for talent, and they are planning to seize the moment. In the next six months, nine out of 10 global executives plan to increase or keep steady their investment in learning and development and more than eight out of 10 plan the same for talent acquisition. 

While this continued investment in talent is essential, knowing where and how to invest can be another challenge. For example, while just 38% of U.S. executives are currently helping their employees become AI-literate, the Workplace Learning Report tells us that fully 80% of employees say they want to learn AI skills for their professions. These reports can help shape how you invest both your time and your money.

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