10 Tips to Take Professional LinkedIn Profile Pictures

Your profile picture is a key element of your LinkedIn presence. Our research shows that just having a picture makes your profile 14 times more likely to be viewed by others.

That means this little round image is your first chance to make a good impression on your LinkedIn network connections — and it’s a key element of your personal brand.

If you already have a recent headshot taken by a professional photographer or have the opportunity to get one, this is often a good bet. A photographer can ensure that the lighting is flattering and that you’re putting your best foot (or rather, face) forward. This typically costs between $200 and $400.

However, if you don’t have the budget, the camera on your smartphone will also do the trick. Here are 10 tips to help you pick a strong photo and make a great impression.

1. Pick a photo that looks like you

It might sound obvious, but your photo should give people a clear idea of what you’d look like if they met you tomorrow. 

You’ve probably met someone whose social profile photo looks nothing like them — maybe it’s a photo that was taken 10 years ago or before they started wearing glasses. It can be startling to meet them in person if you only have that picture to go by and it might even make them question your credibility.

Make sure your LinkedIn profile picture is recent (within the past few years) and reflects how you look on a daily basis — your hair, glasses, makeup, facial hair, and so on. If you change your appearance drastically, consider taking a fresh photo so people can easily recognize you.

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